From time to time over the years I have been scouting the diverse range of loppis in Sweden for a vintage waffle iron. I particularly wanted one that would work on our vedspis – none of that electric nonsense as that would be cheating! Waffle cafés are popular throughout Sweden and a wonderful excuse for a drive in the country or a walk by a lake. Here we are sitting out in the summer sunshine in Urshult.

I rooted around barns, sheds and re-commissioned garages from Dalarna to Skåne, picking up a wonderful eclectic selection of other goodies along the way – milk churns and cheese moulds, platters and hand-painted tiles but the waffle iron still eluded me. Then one day we were visiting a village near our torp and spotted an old-fashioned ironmonger shop. Piled high with fishing tackle, birdboxes and workshop necessities, there in the window was a waffle iron, exactly what I was looking for, and duly purchased quicker than you can say waffles.
It is made by Skeppshult, a Swedish company well-known for its cast iron cookware and the only remaining foundry in Sweden using the old skills and traditions to make their wonderful pans and casserole dishes. It is smaller than some waffle pans and technically for krumkakor, creating smaller, beautiful lacy waffles that are actually a bit more arty as I think you will agree. So here is the recipe I use and I look forward to many years of fun with my waffle pan!
Ingredients: 2 eggs, 100g sugar, 100g plain flour, 100g melted butter, a few cardamom pods, split with seeds ground
- Whisk eggs with cardamom and sugar in a bowl until thick and creamy.
- Whisk in butter and fold in sieved flour.
- Leave to rest for 30mins.
- Place a spoonful on your waffle iron and cook individually for 2-3mins, turning once.
- Leave flat as pancakes or mould into scrolls or cups for filling with cream and jam – or savoury with cream cheese and smoked trout/charcuterie.
- Makes a dozen.